Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fun in the backyard!

This afternoon the kids and I were hanging out in the backyard having fun. Pace joined us and what are two boys to do? Make silly faces of course!

I have yet to enter the world of editing although that is next on my list of things to tackle. I took my disc over to Natalie's where she sat with me and let me play on Photoshop. Ok, she did most of it but I told her the look I was after and she navigated her way through Photoshop while I sat taking as many mental notes as possible. I have a feeling that once I get Photoshop on my computer at home that Rod and the kids may be seeing less of me!

Am I really doing this?

For anybody who knows me I have finally caved and I am now officially part of the blogging world!

I have started this blog as an avenue to share the images that I have captured with my camera. Over the last month I have been spending a lot more time actively pursuing photography and I wanted an outlet to share those photo's.

I hope you enjoy looking at the photo's and come and check often as I plan to update regularly. Also please leave a comment as I would love to hear from you!